Orange Beach Fire Code Official Craig Stephenson joined junior fire fighters for story time at the Orange Beach Public Library on Tuesday, October 6, 2009. Mr. Craig read the book No Dragons for Tea by Jean Pendziwol which incorporates a checklist of things to be prepared to do in case of fire. After reading, visiting and snacking inside the library, the children explored the fire truck and met a firefighter dressed in fire gear. The children waved goodbye to their firefighter friends with the fire truck flashing its lights and sounding its siren.
National Fire Prevention and Safety Week 2009 is celebrated from October 4, 2009 to October 10, 2009. The education program focuses on promoting fire safety and prevention.
Fire Code Official Craig Stephenson reads No Dragons for Tea by Jean Pendziwol.
(children facing camera)
Larkin West, James Carl, Roy Watson, Noah Barry