Uncover Key Pier Fishing Tips with Longtime Angler - Alabama Gulf Coast Fishing: "Question: David, what’s the difference between the new Gulf State Park pier and the pier that was destroyed by Hurricane Ivan in 2004?
Thornton: The new pier is almost twice as long as the old pier, and we’re catching more pelagic species of fish, such as king mackerel, Spanish mackerel and cobia. There are more ways to catch mackerel off the new pier than there were off the old pier, especially king mackerel. Too, the new pier allows fishermen to fish deeper water than the old pier did. Today, the water’s twice as deep at the end of the new pier as it was at the end of the old pier. Now when you’re fishing at the end of the pier, you’re fishing 1/4-mile from the beach, which is a tremendous difference from the old pier that went just to the outer edge of the sand bar."