Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Artificial reefs designed to enhance fishing at Gulf State Park Pier -

Artificial reefs designed to enhance fishing at Gulf State Park Pier - "In a sentimental gesture, one piling from the old Gulf State Park Pier will anchor a system of artificial reefs that will be deployed around the end of the new pier, Alabama Marine Resources biologist and state artificial reef coordinator Kevin Anson said Friday.

The lone old piling will be placed on the bottom along with several pilings from the new pier that were damaged during hurricanes Ike and Gustav last year to create a 25-foot by 50-foot, lean-to-style reef southwest of the new pier's 90-foot-wide end octagon, Anson said.

Anson said the company subcontracted to build the reefs has indicated it will begin placing the pilings Monday or Tuesday morning."