Thursday, May 28, 2009

Orange Beach Public Library Summer Reading Program Calendar of Events

submitted by Andie Mewbourn

Join Charlie Williams, the “Noise Guy” and the Orange Beach Public Library as they kick off the 2009 Summer Reading Program on June 11, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. Charlie William is an author, noise impressionist and kid’s comedian with a high energy show that both children and adults will enjoy. This year’s Family Program theme is “Be Creative @ Your Library” and participants will explore the world through books, art, music and magic.

The Family Summer Reading Programs is open to children preschool through fifth grade. Summer reading program participants set their own goals for summer reading, record their books on their reading logs and return the logs to the library. Participants may attend all events without registering, but those who register will be eligible for certificates and prizes to be given at the Summer Reading Grand Finale on July 23, 2009. Beginning May 26, 2009, participants can register to attend these free events at the youth services desk of the Orange Beach Public Library or online at the library’s Website at