Friday, March 27, 2009

Rain or shine, it's sausage time in Elberta -

Rain or shine, it's sausage time in Elberta - "On Saturday, smoke scented with the aroma of thousands of grilling links will start to rise over the Elberta Town Park around dawn as the community's twice yearly German Sausage Festival kicks off.

The festival starts at 8 a.m., but volunteers will be out by 5 a.m., starting charcoal fires, setting up booths and preparing tons of food for up to 30,000 visitors expected at the event, according to organizers. Members of the Elberta Volunteer Fire Department grill 7,000 pounds of sausage, about 21,000 links, prepared from a secret recipe.

'We're ready,' said Mayor Marvin Williams. 'The town's all spit and polished. The grass is cut. We're just hoping that the good Lord gives us good weather, but we'll be out here rain or shine.'"