I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Roll Call
V. Consideration of Agenda
VI. Consideration of Previous Minutes
Committee of the Whole 12/29/09
Special-Called 12/29/09
Regular Meeting 01/05/10
VII. Reports of Officers/Committees
A. City Administrator
B. Director, Public Works
C. Engineering & Environmental
D. Chief, Police Department
E. Chief, Fire Department
F. City Clerk
G. Director, Finance
H. Parks & Recreation
I. Director, Utilities
J. Librarian, Orange Beach Public Library
K. Director, Municipal Court
L. I. T. Director
M. Mayor
VIII. Hearings on Petitions, Applications, Complaints, Appeals and Communications, Etc.
IX. Presentation(s)
X. Recognition(s)
XI. Auditing of Accounts
XII. Unfinished Business
XIII. New Business
1. Resolution reappointing Karen Clark to the Library Board.
2. Resolution extending the Baldwin County Economic Development Alliance contract term.
3. Resolution authorizing the mayor to execute a Task Order with Olsen Associates for Post-Tropical Storm Ida Design Survey.
XIV. Adjourn