I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Roll Call
V. Consideration of Agenda
VI. Consideration of Previous Minutes
Committee of the Whole 01/12/10
Regular Meeting 01/19/10
VII. Reports of Officers/Committees
A. City Administrator
B. Director, Public Works
C. Engineering & Environmental
D. Chief, Police Department
E. Chief, Fire Department
F. City Clerk
G. Director, Finance
H. Parks & Recreation
I. Director, Utilities
J. Librarian, Orange Beach Public Library
K. Director, Municipal Court
L. I. T. Director
M. Mayor
VIII. Hearings on Petitions, Applications, Complaints, Appeals and Communications, Etc.
IX. Presentation(s)
1. Presentation from Baldwin EMC Regarding Surcharge Program and 2010 Projects.
2. Sealing of Time Capsule - Iris Ethridge
3. Arbor Day Proclamation - February 27, 2010
X. Recognition(s)
XI. Auditing of Accounts
XII. Unfinished Business
XIII. New Business
1. Reschedule February 16, 2010 council meeting to February 17, 2010 to accommodate Mardi Gras holiday.
2. Approval of a requisition to lease security equipment for Municipal Jail.
1. Resolution authorizing renewal of contract with the Baller Herbst Law Group.
2. Resolution authorizing the mayor to execute an Agreement for Engineering and Inspection Services with DMD Engineers.
3. Resolution authorizing the mayor to execute the annual software support agreement with Southern Software.
4. Resolution authorizing the mayor to execute a service agreement with Coastal Security, LLC for the Orange Beach Municipal Jail CCTV System.
5. Resolution authorizing A Cab Company to operate a taxi service within the city limits and police jurisdiction of Orange Beach.
6. Resolution authorizing Allied Taxicabs, LLC to operate a taxi service within the city limits and police jurisdiction of Orange Beach.
7. Resolution authorizing Beach Buggy Taxi to operate a taxi service within the city limits and police jurisdiction of Orange Beach.
8. Resolution authorizing Mobile Bay Transportation to operate a taxi service within the city limits and police jurisdiction of Orange Beach.
9. Resolution reappointing Vince Lucido to the Business and Industrial Development Board.
10. Resolution appointing employees to the Safety Committee for 2010.
11. Resolution to update the list of Volunteer Firefighters and Reserve Police Officers covered under the Workman's Compensation Insurance.
12. Resolution to award bid for Controls & Electrical Construction at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
13. Resolution to award bid for Pipe & Fittings (#4) for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction.
1. First Reading - An Ordinance amending Chapter 2, Article IV of the Code of Ordinances, City of Orange Beach, to add a new section entitled "Office of the City Attorney".
2. First Reading - An Ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 2006-974, The Homestead at Orange Beach Planned Unit Development, Rezoning and Preliminary Master Plan Approval - #0203-PUD-06.
3. First Reading - An Ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 2008-1057, The Blue Luxe Hotel and Condominium Planned Unit Development, Rezoning and Preliminary Master Plan Approval - #0302-PUD-08.
XIV. Adjourn