Illegal parking fines on the rise in Gulf Shores - Baldwin County NOW: "GULF SHORES, Ala. — In many cities across the country, a parking ticket fine can cost as much as $85. Here in Gulf Shores, the fine for a parking ticket has been $6 for more than two decades. But city officials are working on an amendment that will more than double the fine.
According to Municipal Court Clerk Ken McKenzie, city attorney Donald Stewart has been working on an amendment that will raise the cost of illegal parking within the city of Gulf Shores.
“The amount of a regular parking ticket has only been $6 for 20-something years, and he suggests that we get more in line with other municipalities,” McKenzie told the City Council at a recent work session. “We will be raising the fine for a normal parking ticket to $15.”
In addition, fines for parking in handicapped designated parking areas without a permit, as well as parking in fire lanes has also been $6."