Chamber talks off - Baldwin County NOW: "FOLEY, Ala. — The Executive Committee of South Baldwin Chamber of Commerce in Foley has decided not to pursue merger talks with the Alabama Gulf Coast Area Chamber of Commerce in Gulf Shores.
That decision was made known to SBCC’s membership on Tuesday through an e-mail from Jerry Jackson, chairman of SBCC’s Board.
“The Committee’s efforts culminated in the Membership survey, the results of which we discussed at length during our Board meeting last Monday,” Jackson wrote.
“While the survey did indicate significant interest in a merger, the level of interest was not sufficient to give a clear mandate for merger.”
SBCC’s Executive Committee had hoped to release the results of its recent survey jointly with AGCACC’s survey results, “but practicality didn’t allow that, so we decided to let our membership know,” Jackson said on Wednesday.
Jackson said AGCACC’s survey results had not been released at that point to his knowledge.
“It’s safe to say from what we’ve heard that their results were similar to ours,” he said."