Thursday, February 11, 2010

Orange Beach City Council Agenda

Due to the Fat Tuesday Holiday next week, the next Orange Beach City Council Meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 17, 2010.

I. Call to Order

II. Invocation

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Roll Call

V. Consideration of Agenda

VI. Consideration of Previous Minutes

Committee of the Whole 01/26/10
Regular Meeting Minutes 02/02/10

VII. Reports of Officers/Committees

A. City Administrator
B. Director, Public Works
C. Engineering & Environmental
D. Chief, Police Department
E. Chief, Fire Department
F. City Clerk
G. Director, Finance
H. Parks & Recreation
I. Director, Utilities
J. Librarian, Orange Beach Public Library
K. Director, Municipal Court
L. I. T. Director
M. Mayor

VIII. Hearings on Petitions, Applications, Complaints, Appeals and Communications, Etc.

IX. Presentation(s)
X. Recognition(s)
XI. Auditing of Accounts

XII. Unfinished Business

XIII. New Business

1. Approval of a Special Retail (More than 30 days)  Liquor License Application for Sugar Shack, 23044 Perdido Beach Boulevard.

2. Approval of a Special Events Permit for Parrot Heads.


1. Resolution declaring Police Canine "Bullet" to be surplus property and authorizing the sale of said canine to his handler. 

2. Resolution declaring property located at 4173 Oak Circle as a public nuisance and further authorizing the city to take appropriate action to abate said nuisance.

3. Resolution establishing the City of Orange Beach Community Garden.

4. Resolution to reject bids for Used Trackhoe for Refuse.


1. PUBLIC HEARING - Proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 172, the Zoning Ordinance, #0103-PUDA-10, Twin Lakes Planned Unit Development Major Modification.

2. First Reading - Ordinance further amending Ordinance 172, the Zoning Ordinance, Twin Lakes Planned Unit Development Major Modification (#0103-PUDA-10).

3. Second Reading - An Ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 2006-974, The Homestead at Orange Beach Planned Unit Development, Rezoning and Preliminary Master Plan Approval - #0203- PUD-06.

4. Second Reading - An Ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 2008-1057, The Blue Luxe Hotel and Condominium Planned Unit Development, Rezoning and Preliminary Master Plan Approval - #0302-PUD-08.

5. Second Reading - An Ordinance amending Chapter 2, Article IV of the Code of Ordinances, City of Orange Beach, to add a new section entitled "Office of the City Attorney".

XIV. Adjourn