I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Roll Call
V. Consideration of Agenda
VI. Consideration of Previous Minutes
Committee of the Whole 02/09/10
Regular Meeting Minutes 02/17/10
VII. Reports of Officers/Committees
A. City Administrator
B. Director, Public Works
C. Engineering & Environmental
D. Chief, Police Department
E. Chief, Fire Department
F. City Clerk
G. Director, Finance
H. Parks & Recreation
I. Director, Utilities
J. Librarian, Orange Beach Public Library
K. Director, Municipal Court
L. I. T. Director
M. Mayor
VIII. Hearings on Petitions, Applications, Complaints, Appeals and Communications, Etc.
IX. Presentation(s)
1. Presentation - Stars Fell on Alabama - Charlotte Skinner, Director.
X. Recognition(s)
XI. Auditing of Accounts
XII. Unfinished Business
XIII. New Business
1. Approval of a Lounge Retail Liquor License Application for Maggie’s Bottle and Tail, 25753 Canal Road, Unit F.
2. Approval of a Restaurant Retail Liquor License Application for Duck’s Diner, 4560 Easy Street.
3. Approval of a Retail Common Carrier Liquor License Application for Dolphins Down Under, 27267 Perdido Beach Boulevard.
1. Resolution appointing the City Attorney.
2. Resolution appointing attorney for the Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment and Personnel Board.
3. Resolution authorizing the mayor to execute Memorandum of Agreement with Auburn University and Department of Homeland Security for collection of geospatial data.
4. Resolution authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement with the United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA) for use of the Orange Beach Sportsplex.
5. Resolution authorizing "A" Ms Mary Taxi Service to operate a taxi service within the city limits and police jurisdiction of Orange Beach.
6. Resolution authorizing A-1 Taxi Service to operate a taxi service within the city limits and police jurisdiction of Orange Beach.
7. Resolution authorizing Blue Dolphin Taxi to operate a taxi service within the city limits and police jurisdiction of Orange Beach.
8. Resolution authorizing Allied Waste Services of Magnolia Springs to remove and dispose of commercial solid waste and to remove and transport construction and demolition debris.
9. Resolution authorizing Big Red Container to remove and dispose of commercial solid waste and to remove and transport construction and demolition debris.
10. Resolution authorizing Easy-Haul to remove and dispose of commercial solid waste and to remove and transport construction and demolition debris.
11. Resolution authorizing Emerald Waste Service to remove and dispose of commercial solid waste and to remove and transport construction and demolition debris.
12. Resolution authorizing TSWS, Inc.dba Pot-O-Gold to remove and dispose of commercial solid waste and to remove and transport construction and demolition debris.
1. Second Reading - Ordinance further amending Ordinance 172, the Zoning Ordinance, Twin Lakes Planned Unit Development Major Modification (#0103-PUDA-10).
2. First Reading - Ordinance amending Section 42-41 of the Code of Ordinances to adopt the 2006 edition of the International Energy Conservation Code.
3. First Reading - Ordinance to repeal Ordinance 2005-930, The Verandas Resort Planned Unit Development.
4. Executive Session to discuss offer to purchase city property.
XIV. Adjourn