Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blanton Blankenship-Fort Morgan History

January 18, 2010 - Orange Beach, AL - Fort Morgan, constructed of brick masonry between 1819 and 1834, played roles of varying importance in the Civil War, Spanish-American War and both World Wars. Thursday, January 28. 2010 at 6:00 p.m. Blanton Blankenship, Site Manager of this State and National Historic Landmark, will present an overview of the fort's special design, military history and its most famous role in the Battle of Mobile Bay in 1864. Mr. Blankenship has been at the Fort for over 22 years and co-authored Fort Morgan, published in 2000.

This event is free and open to the public. For more information on the Library visit the Library website at www.orangebeachlibrary.org or call 251-981-2923.