Saturday, January 10, 2009

Woman dies in Orleans Parish jail's psych unit - Breaking News from New Orleans - Times-Picayune -

Woman dies in Orleans Parish jail's psych unit - Breaking News from New Orleans - Times-Picayune - "A 43-year-old woman died this week after she collapsed in the jail's psychiatric unit while in restraints, a spokesman for the Orleans Parish criminal sheriff's office said Friday.

Cayne Miceli was arrested Sunday afternoon on municipal charges at Tulane Medical Center, where she had been treated for severe asthma, according to records and interviews with friends. After she was discharged, Miceli caused a 'disturbance' and bit a Tulane University police officer, according to municipal court records.

She was booked with battery of a police officer, resisting arrest and disturbing the peace.

Miceli's unusual death led friends to question both the medical treatment she received at the hospital and her subsequent experience at the jail."

Raised in Gulf Shores, Ala., Miceli had lived in New Orleans for many years, several friends recalled.