Wednesday, June 3, 2009


CORAL REEF OUT - "ORANGE BEACH — Scrapping four-year-old plans to build a 30-story condo tower, a Chicago firm and a Mobile businessman have applied for zoning to build a Gulf-front hotel and conference center — with features that include a wedding chapel and a bowling alley — on about 9.3 acres at the western edge of town.

The proposal, called the Wyndham & Winfield Resort, is the first major Gulf-front project to be pitched on Baldwin County's beaches in about a year.

Designs for the resort feature a pair of glassy towers — one 17 stories, the other 18 — to hold 485 hotel rooms and eight condo units. The plans also call for a 16,835-square-foot convention center, a 5,400-square-foot space that will serve as both a dinner theater and wedding chapel, a 20-lane bowling alley, two restaurants, a gift shop and a bridal store."