No use cryin' about it next season. Share your input NOW! All reef anglers on Gulf and Atlantic coasts must read this.
Gulf of Mexico federal waters:
>Possible recreational grouper season closure—Jan.-April, maybe longer—under study No fishing for any shallow-water grouper during that period
>Bag limit could drop to one (1) gag per angler
>Size limits may change
>Commercial quotas, and allocation, also up for review
>New marine reserves may come on line
>Good news is red grouper limits may loosen some
Learn everything about these issues in the draft public hearing document, which you can obtain by calling the Council at (813) 348-1630; email
The Gulf Council wants to know how you feel about the gag and red grouper fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico—population trends, remarks on limits, potential impacts of season closures or other measures. Call your buddies and car-pool to one of following public hearings. They begin at 6 p.m. at the following locations:
March 12 - Erie Meyer Civic Center 10300 2nd St. Gulf Shores, AL.
Click here to read the full article from Florida Sportsman Magazine.