Thursday, March 20, 2008

Anglers oppose proposed grouper limits

Operators and recreational fishermen believe a new proposal would violate a federal rule that requires balanced distribution of fish between recreational and commercial interests.

The new rules would expand the closed season on grouper for recreational boats from one month to three, but keep the one-month closure for commercial boats. The closure would be during height of tourist season.

Recreational anglers also would have their bag limit of grouper reduced from five fish to three, while commercial boats could keep 6,000 pounds per trip.

A hearing on the proposals for Gulf grouper fishing could attract a crowd tonight in Naples.

Roy Crabtree, director of federal fisheries in the southeastern region, said the proposed regulations aren't inequitable, just different in the way they attain the same goal. According to latest fishery data, the harvest of gag grouper must be reduced 45 percent for both sectors to keep that species from being overfished.

The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, which makes recommendations to the National Marine Fisheries Service under Crabtree, believes a specified closure from Jan. 15-April 15 will be easiest for recreational anglers and charter boats to deal with, in terms of planning.

"If we go for more risky management, the likelihood of in-season adjustments are more likely," Crabtree said of sudden mid-year closures. "Those are going to be disruptive and very unpopular.

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