Monday, December 1, 2008

ThyssenKrupp job fair slated for Dec. 9

Applications being taken online now, but event at Central Annex designed to answer questions
Monday, December 01, 2008
Staff Reporter

If a new career is on your Christmas wish list,

ThyssenKrupp is coming to town.

The $4.5 billion German steel-manufacturing plant in north Mobile County is scheduled to open in about a year and will need nearly 2,700 permanent employees, said Mary Mullins, a spokeswoman for ThyssenKrupp Stainless USA.

"It is believed to be one of the largest economic and industrial investments in the U.S. in the next decade," she told Baldwin County commissioners at a recent meeting. "We are really pleased to be part of the growth in our region when we see economic slowdown elsewhere in the country. ... We are committed to hiring locally to the greatest extent possible."

As of late November, the company had hired more than 300 workers, she said. "As you can see we've come a long way, but we still have a long way to go," Mullins said.

So the company and Baldwin County Commission are teaming up to seek some of that work force on this side of the bay. A ThyssenKrupp Jobs Fair will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. Dec. 9 at the Central Annex in Robertsdale.

ThyssenKrupp Website

Mobile Press-Register