Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Brown Bag Seminars

Submitted by Andie Mewbourn

Need to brush-up on office software skills before a job interview? Want to give yourself an edge at work with new computer skills?

The Orange Beach Public Library will be offering a Brown Bag Seminar series this May featuring office productivity software. The sessions will be offered on 12:00 p.m. until 1:30 p.m. on Monday in May beginning May 10, 2010. The schedule of topics is as follows:

May 10, 2010: Word processing;
May 17, 2010: Spreadsheets;
May 24, 2010: Presentation software/PowerPoint.

This series is designed for intermediate computer users wanting to improve their familiarity with office productivity software. Each session will describe the main uses of each program, major programs currently available, and suggestions for efficient daily use. The library will not supply computers during the class, but attendees are welcome to bring their own laptops and lunches.

This series of presentations is free and open to the public, but registration is requested. Registration is available on the library's Website, www.orangebeachlibrary.org or by phone, 981-2923.