Thursday, July 17, 2008

Orange Beach garbage rates rise

Hike to fund recycling pickup, cover fuel costs
Thursday, July 17, 2008
By RYAN DEZEMBER, Staff Reporter

ORANGE BEACH — To cover rising fuel costs and fund a new curbside recycling program, the City Council voted Tuesday to raise the monthly residential garbage bill to $15 from $12.

Next month's billings will likely reflect the change, city officials said.

Tuesday's vote was 4-0 with one abstention.

Councilman Ed Carroll said he abstained because he was torn between supporting recycling and raising bills for residents.

Councilwoman Joni Blalock was absent from the meeting.

For most households the $15 will cover twice-weekly garbage pickup. Condos will continue to see seven-day-a-week collections during the summer and six days a week throughout the rest of the year.

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