Friday, July 11, 2008

Curbside recycling coming to city

Council will likely OK $3 monthly rate hike to pay for recycling, fuel costs
Friday, July 11, 2008
Staff Reporter

ORANGE BEACH — Monthly garbage rates will likely go up $3 to accommodate a new curbside recycling program and rising fuel costs, city officials said this week .

On Monday afternoon, the city's Solid Waste Authority approved a contract with Orange Beach's garbage hauler, Allied Waste Industries, that includes concessions for higher labor and fuel costs as well as the addition of recycling service, Mayor Pete Blalock said.

Because the Solid Waste Authority is made up of the City Council and a few other municipal officials, the subsequent rate hike needed to fund the new contract is likely to pass when the council meets at 5 pm on Tuesday.

Mobile Press-Register