Sunday, July 27, 2008

National Kids Night Out in Orange Beach

Submitted by Glenda Beech

Hot summer days filled with splashing, biking and camps is coming to a close as the summer break wraps up in preparation of the new school year. To add some excitement in closing out the summer, the Orange Beach Police Department will host the 3rd Annual “National Kids Night Out” program for the community.

National Kids Night Out will be held on Monday, August 4, 2008 at the Orange Beach Waterfront Park from 6 to 8 p.m. This National program brings fun activities for the children and families with an emphasis on safety. Officers of the police department will give parents the opportunity to fingerprint, collect DNA samples (mouth swabs), photo ID’s of their children, which will be kept on file at the OBPD, and renewed annually.

Volunteers are needed for the event so feel free to contact Kris Roberts or Karen Keith for information at 251-981-9777 or visit the OBPD website at

Participants should wear swimsuits or appropriate apparel for water activities, and be prepared to get wet. This is a family oriented event that is open to children up to age 13, and the OBPD requests that the parent or guardian accompany children at all times.

Along with water slides, moon walks and plenty of “get wet” activities, refreshments including hot dogs, chips and drinks will be provided. Don’t miss the opportunity to dunk “Chief Billy” and “Assistant Chief Duck” in the famous dunking booth.

A special thanks to this years Title Sponsor, Columbia Southern University, for their support in making the event possible for the community. CSU is a learning partner with the City of Orange Beach offering online educational opportunities for obtaining higher education degrees including special focuses on public safety.

The event if free and is located on the north side of Canal Road just under one mile East of Highway 161 in Orange Beach at Waterfront Park. Come out and celebrate National Kids Night Out in your hometown.

For additional information contact
Kris Roberts at 981-9777