Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Gulf Shores Songwriter's Festival Club St. Somewhere: Following In Jimmy Buffett's Wake

Gulf Shores Songwriter's Festival Club St. Somewhere: Following In Jimmy Buffett's Wake: "As is my habit when listening to a new Jimmy Buffett Album, I grab the the Liner Notes to not only read the lyrics, but also to check out the writing credits and to see if Jimmy has any guest musicians joining in. So it was that in 2004, when I first listened to License to Chill’s Cut #5, it was Jimmy and Toby Keith doing a cover of Will Kimbrough’s Piece of Work. The song resonated with me (my wife has called me a Piece of Work many times), so I of course did a little research on Will, only to find out that he had been the lead guitarist for Todd Snider’s Nervous Wrecks."