ORANGE BEACH -- Anticipating a drop in development-related revenue, the City Council has passed a 2008 budget that cuts municipal spending from last year by nearly $9 million.
The drop from about $50.9 million that Orange Beach planned to spend in 2007 to the $42 million slated for 2008 reflects changes in income from state and federal grants, transfers between funds, proceeds from bond issues and other factors. But what City Hall expects to spend on day-to-day operations next year is nearly $1.7 million less than this year.
"We're kind of a mirror of the national economy because building has slowed down and that's what we've tried to take into account for our budget this year," City Administrator Jeff Moon said. "We've tried to, across the board, be proactive in addressing it and account for it on the front end and not the back end."
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