To simplify mandatory reporting, NOAA Fisheries is implementing a web-based portal where anglers can report landings of non-tournament Atlantic swordfish and billfish (Atlantic blue and white marlin and sailfish). The reporting of recreational landings plays an important role in effectively monitoring catch and effort directed toward Atlantic highly migratory species (HMS) and complying with international obligations.
Effective October 17, 2007, owners of HMS permitted vessels, or their designee, should report recreational non-tournament swordfish and billfish landings using a newly designed web-based reporting system at http:/ to log-in and report a swordfish or billfish landing, vessel owners will need to provide: HMS Angling or Charter/Headboat category permit number; trip information (e.g. trip dates); and, catch and fishing gear/technique specifics.
After a landings report has been successfully completed, vessel owners will be provided with a confirmation number for each individual fish reported landed. There is an option to print the confirmation numbers or have them sent electronically to a personal email account. A swordfish or billfish landing report is not considered complete unless the vessel owner, or the owner's designee, has received a confirmation number.
The new web-based reporting system will be the primary reporting portal for recreational non-tournament swordfish and billfish landings; however, NOAA Fisheries will maintain and monitor the current toll-free reporting line to assist those vessel owners who do not have access to the internet.
As a reminder, owners of private vessels used to fish recreationally for Atlantic HMS, or on which Atlantic HMS are retained or possessed, are required to have an Atlantic HMS Angling category permit. Owners of for-hire vessels used to take anglers fishing for a fee are required to have the HMS Charter/Headboat category permit. For more information on the HMS Angling or Charter/Headboat category permit, log on to call the HMS Management Division's St. Petersburg office at (727) 824-5399. NOAA Fisheries also encourages all who fish for HMS to use circle hooks to help minimize injuries to, and mortality of, released fish.
NOAA Fisheries' HMS Management Division appreciates the cooperation of vessel owners in complying with these non-tournament recreational reporting requirements.
More Trophy Swordfish to come from the Gulf of Mexico is an article written and published by The Orange Beach Community Website that explains why it is important to report your swordfish and billfish catch.