Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Letter to the Editor: Proposed Orange Beach Boat Launch

Following is a letter to the editor written by Gene Meyers of Paradise Marine in Gulf Shores.


Click here to view the ad that appeared in the Mobile Press-Register.

Why YOUR support is needed, and YOUR voice must be heard in Montgomery!

If you are a boater, or concerned citizen, you need to read this information, as the consequences will impact your boating enjoyment, and your rights as an Alabamian. The proposed 5 acre Boat Launch Facility would be located on Old River between the Caribe Resort and Ono Island Bridge. The property was to be provided by the State of Alabama and leased to the City of Orange Beach, who would fund and build the project. For the boating public and our community this project is long overdue. Public access to our state’s waterways is shrinking at an alarming rate. Developers have purchased marinas, boat yards and waterfront property and converted these properties to condominium projects. State and local municipalities must be pro-active and take bold steps to address this alarming decline. Without proper access, the average working man and his family is limited in their ability to boat, fish, and play on these waters.

The project opponents, mostly Ono Island residents and members of the Perdido Key Coalition claim that our area boat ramps are under-utilized. Nothing is farther from the truth as any local boater can tell you. (See for Yourself) The lack of parking at these facilities is the most pressing issue and getting worse all the time. On a busy summer weekend hundreds of trailers and tow vehicles park illegally on the side of the roads around the Cotton Bayou boat launch. This causes major public safety concerns for the City of Orange Beach who walk a fine line between both public safety and tourist relations. There are many unfortunate instances when vehicles get towed. These kinds of conflicts do not bode well for a tourist community that depends on a constant flow of satisfied visitors.

In Baldwin County boat registrations are growing at a rate of 2.6%. Baldwin County’s population is also growing at an astronomical rate and many of these citizens have been drawn here by the lure of our inshore and offshore waters. These water access shortcomings can only be addressed by a consistent commitment from the Conservation Department. They must maximize the diminishing opportunities they have to provide fair and equal water access as our state's population grows and our tourism stream increases.

We all know that the City of Orange Beach's foundation and heritage is tightly intertwined with recreational boating and fishing. They understand this and have eagerly provided the initiative, resources and most importantly the foresight, to address the issue. The City has done some impressive work in the design stages of this facility proposal. It is a showpiece to be proud of! It is cutting edge in its visual appeal, physical layout, and proposed operational procedures.

One argument we have heard regularly from project opponents revolves around the impact this project will have in what they claim to be one of the most environmentally sensitive areas in the area. We all can agree that this is a beautiful piece of natural property; there is no doubt in our mind. On the other hand by "offering" this parcel to the public good you will allow many more citizens the ability to enjoy, and utilize an even bigger resource, our state’s countless square miles of recreational waterways.

The same people who mask their opposition to this project by cloaking themselves behind the "environmental flag" cannot have it both ways. At one time Ono Island was also a precious and pristine resource until progress and demand allowed it to be heavily built upon and intersected with a network of man-made, environmentally unfriendly canals. Many of these opponents have their piece of paradise, living adjacent to the water. Ono Island residents who oppose this project also have their own private boat ramp facility. They have no boating access problem. Shouldn’t they understand that everyone must have the same privilege to utilize the resource without having to own expensive waterfront property?

Here is an interesting paradox that surfaces regarding this issue. The current entrance and bridge to Ono Island is located on what was also once pristine state property. Years ago when the state offered this parcel, it opened the island up for use by private individuals and developers, not the public. Without that easement grant, Ono Island would not be what it is today, a private gated Island community. The Conservation Department now has the same opportunity to offer a nearby parcel for the benefit of the entire state, not just a few citizens. Wouldn’t this provide a much better return on public investment? After all isn’t it the responsibility of the state to provide for the maximum benefit of the majority of its citizens?

Most of the opponents of the Boat Launch Facility are residents of Ono Island, but not all Ono residents oppose it. Those that do are a very vocal minority and they wield a considerable amount of political clout. They are making their opposition known and getting the ear of state officials. Our voices of SUPPORT must be heard if we are to continue to have convenient access to Alabama’s waterways. If you are a boater, fisherman, or concerned citizen, this issue affects YOU! YOUR support is vital. We urge YOU to write, email, and phone your SUPPORT for this project to Governor Bob Riley, Commissioner M. Barnett Lawley, and the officials of the City of Orange Beach.

* Visit our Government Officials Page for email addresses, mailing addresses, and phone numbers to voice your SUPPORT.

If state officials make the decision to proceed based on the public benefit and consider investment versus the return we have a good chance to get the boat launching facility we so badly need. To have a handful of people thwart this much needed, well planned, and environmentally friendly project would be a travesty. All Alabamians have the right to equal access opportunities to all of Alabama's outdoor resources, not just a privileged few.

We are very passionate about this issue. We stand firm in our belief that every citizen has the right to access our State's natural resources, we also stand firm in our belief that every citizen has the right to be heard. We believe that both sides of every issue should be presented in a fair and accurate manner. Therefore, we are providing a link to our opposition’s web site: www.perdidokeycoalition.com